ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ball screw

A ball screw is like a special kind of screw that helps things move smoothly and easily. Imagine you have a big toy truck that you want to move forward and backward, but it's really hard to push because it's really heavy. If you attach a ball screw to the wheels of the truck, it helps the wheels move smoothly and easily with less effort.

A ball screw works by having a long screw with tiny balls rolling inside of it. As you turn the screw, the balls move along the grooves inside the screw, and they help to push or pull whatever is attached to the screw. This makes it easier to move heavy objects or machines that need to move in a very precise way.

Ball screws are used in lots of things like cars, airplanes, and even robots. They help these things move more efficiently and precisely in ways that are difficult or impossible to achieve with regular screws or other methods. So, if you ever need to move something big or heavy, a ball screw might just be the special tool you need to get the job done.