ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Band-gap engineering

Imagine you have a playground with different kinds of balls - a tennis ball, a basketball, and a beach ball. Each ball is made of a different material and they all bounce differently because of that. The same way, materials in science also have different properties because of the atoms they are made up of.

One important property of materials is their "band gap". This is like a space between two energy levels where electrons can move around. Think of it like a ladder with rungs. Electrons can only move between two rungs if they have enough energy to overcome the gap between them. This is important in electronics because it determines how a material will behave when electricity is passed through it.

Now, scientists and engineers have found ways to change the size of this gap by adding or removing atoms to the material. It’s like customizing your own playground by adding or taking out different types of balls. This is called "band-gap engineering".

For example, imagine you have a ball that bounces very high, like a basketball. But what if you could add materials to the ball that would make it bounce even higher? That’s kind of what nanotechnology does. Scientists and engineers can modify the ball - or material - at a very small scale to change its properties. In the case of band-gap engineering, they can tweak it to have a bigger or smaller gap, making it better at conducting electricity, or better at absorbing light. This can lead to new materials that can be used for things like solar cells, or electronic devices, or even better playground balls!