ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bank card number

When you go to the store to buy something, you give the cashier some money to pay for it, right? Well, sometimes instead of giving the cashier money, you can use a special card from your bank that has money on it. This card is called a bank card or a credit card.

The bank card has a special number on it that helps the bank know which account the money should come from. This number is called the bank card number. It's like a secret code that only you and the bank know.

The bank card number is usually printed on the front of the card and has a bunch of different digits or numbers in a specific order. Each digit means something different and tells the bank important information, like who you are and which bank you use.

When you use your bank card to buy something, the cashier will ask you to type in or swipe your bank card so they know how much money to take from it. Then, the bank will use the bank card number to make sure the money comes from your account and goes to the store's account.

So remember, your bank card number is like a secret code on your card that helps the bank know which account to take the money from when you use your card to buy something.