ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Banner of arms

Imagine you have a special picture that represents your family. This picture is called a "banner of arms". It's not just any normal picture, it's really special because it has symbols and colors that tell a story about your family history and who you are.

The banner of arms is like a special emblem that has been used by important families for a long, long time. It's usually made of fabric and is hung on a pole or displayed on a wall. People use it to show their family identity and to let others know who they are.

The banner of arms has lots of different parts, just like a puzzle. Each part has a different meaning and tells a different story. Let's go through some of them:

1. Colors: The banner of arms has different colors, like red, blue, green, or gold. These colors have special meanings. For example, red might mean courage, blue could mean loyalty, and green can represent hope. The colors can be used in different combinations to make the banner look even more special.

2. Shapes: The banner also has different shapes, like squares, circles, or animals. These shapes also have their own meanings. For instance, a lion might represent strength, a star could mean honor, or a castle might symbolize power. These shapes help to tell a story about the family's history or qualities that they value.

3. Letters and Words: Sometimes, the banner of arms has special letters or words written on it. These letters can stand for the family's name or motto. The family motto is like a special saying that represents what the family believes in or stands for. It's like a little message that reminds the family members of their values.

4. Background: The background of the banner of arms can also have a special design. It could be divided into different parts or have a pattern. This background helps to make the other symbols and colors stand out and look even more interesting.

So, the banner of arms is like a unique picture that tells a story about a special family. It has different colors, shapes, and letters that represent their history, values, and identity. It's something very special that families use to show who they are and what they stand for.