ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bar review

Okay, little one! So you know how when you go to school, you have to take quizzes and tests to see how much you've learned? Well, when people finish law school, they have to take a big test called the bar exam. It's a really important test because you have to pass it in order to become a licensed lawyer.

Now, sometimes people feel nervous or not quite ready to take the bar exam right after they finish law school. So they might choose to take something called a bar review course. That's when they go to classes (or sometimes now, do it online) to learn and practice the things they'll need to know for the bar exam.

It's kind of like studying extra hard before a big test, but you have special teachers who are really good at helping you understand the tricky concepts. So when it's time to take the exam, you feel as ready as you can be!