ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Basis functions

Basis functions are like building blocks for a bigger and more complex thing. Think of Lego blocks that you use to build a big castle, spaceship, or city. Just like that, basis functions are small blocks of math that you use to build complicated mathematical shapes or curves.

Imagine you want to draw a curvy line using different basis function blocks. Each block is like a small piece of the curve puzzle. When you put them all together, you get a full picture.

For example, if you want to draw a curvy line, you may need to use different basis functions like straight lines or circles. By combining them in different ways, you can create the final curvy line.

Basis functions are used in many different fields, like engineering, physics, and computer science. They help us understand and analyze complex systems by breaking them down into smaller pieces.

In summary, basis functions are like Lego blocks of math that help us build bigger and more complex shapes or curves by putting them together in different ways.