ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Batch processing

Okay kiddo, let me explain batch processing to you!

Imagine you have lots of cookies to bake for a special event. You can't just bake one cookie at a time, that would take forever! Instead, you make a big batch of cookie dough, shape it into lots of cookies, and put them all in the oven at once. This way, you can bake lots of cookies all at the same time!

Now let's pretend that instead of cookies, we're talking about computer tasks. Sometimes, people need to do the same task over and over again on lots of different pieces of data. For example, a store might need to update the prices of all their products. Doing this one product at a time on a computer would also take a very long time. Instead, they can use batch processing!

Batch processing is when you group lots of similar tasks together and then do them all at once. This saves time and makes things more efficient. Just like how baking a batch of cookies saves time and effort compared to baking each one individually!

So when people talk about batch processing in computers, they mean taking a bunch of similar tasks and doing them all together, like baking a batch of cookies. It saves time and makes things easier!