ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bates's chip

Bates's chip is a very small computer that helps other computers talk to each other. It's like a messenger that delivers messages and helps computers communicate.

Think of it like this: If you want to talk to your friend who lives far away, you might send them a letter or a message on your phone. But sometimes, your message might get stuck somewhere along the way and not reach your friend. That's where Bates's chip comes in. It helps make sure your message gets through to your friend.

Now, let's talk about how the chip works. When you send a message from your computer, the message goes to the Bates's chip first. The chip then takes the message and sends it to the computer it's supposed to go to. The chip also makes sure that the message is in the right format so the other computer can understand it.

So, in summary, Bates's chip is a helpful messenger that delivers messages and helps computers talk to each other.