ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Battle of Bannockburn

Once upon a time a long time ago, there were two groups of people who lived in a place called Scotland. One group was the Scottish people and the other group was the English people.

The King of the English people, named King Edward, wanted to be in charge of Scotland too. But the Scottish people didn't want that – they wanted to be in charge of their own land.

So King Edward and his army marched up to Scotland to try to take control. The Scottish people, led by a man named Robert the Bruce, were ready to fight back.

They met at a place called Bannockburn, where there was a big battle. The English army had a lot more soldiers and fancy equipment, but the Scottish people were very clever and had a good plan.

They waited for the English army to come close, then they charged and attacked them with spears and arrows. They also put up lots of big wooden stakes to make it hard for the English horses to run through.

Even though the English army was bigger, the Scottish people were able to win the battle because they worked together and had a good strategy. This was a very important moment for Scotland because it meant they could stay in charge of their own land instead of being ruled by the English King.