ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Battle of Dornock

Okay kiddo, let me tell you a story about the Battle of Dornock.

A long time ago, in a place called Scotland, there was a big fight between two groups of people. They were called the English and the Scots.

You know how sometimes you and your friends might have disagreements or fights over toys? Well, the English and the Scots were kind of like that. They didn't agree on things like who should be in charge or who should own certain lands.

So one day, they decided to have a big fight to try and settle their differences. This fight was called the Battle of Dornock.

The English and the Scots brought their armies to this big field where they were going to have the fight. There were lots of soldiers with big swords and shields and they all wore fancy outfits with different colors.

When the battle started, it was very loud and scary. The soldiers shouted and clashed their weapons together. They tried to push each other's armies back and win the battle.

But after a while, something happened that wasn't expected. The Scottish soldiers started to retreat. This means that they started to run away from the battle.

The English soldiers saw this and they chased after the Scots. They fought and fought until finally, the Scots lost the battle and the English won.

In the end, lots of people were hurt or killed in the Battle of Dornock. It was a very sad day for both the English and the Scots. But sometimes, when people can't agree, they resort to fighting. It's always better to try and talk things out instead of resorting to violence.