Okay kiddo, so a long time ago in the country that is now called Iran, there was a big battle that happened at a place called the Persian Gate. It was between two groups of people: the Persian Empire and the Macedonian Empire.
The Macedonian Empire was led by a man named Alexander the Great. He wanted to conquer the Persian Empire because he thought it was a big and important place with a lot of money and resources.
But the Persian Empire had a really strong army, with soldiers called Immortals. These guys were called Immortals because whenever one of them got hurt or killed, another soldier would take their place and make it seem like they were never missing. Pretty cool, right?
Anyway, the Persians knew that Alexander's soldiers were really good at fighting on open plains, so they decided to fight them at a narrow passage called the Persian Gate. This way, Alexander's soldiers wouldn't be able to surround them and the Persians could use their numbers to their advantage.
When Alexander's soldiers arrived at the Persian Gate, they saw that it was a really narrow passage with cliffs on either side. It was going to be really hard to get through, but Alexander didn't give up.
He sent his best soldiers, called the Companion Cavalry, to charge straight into the Persian ranks. The Persians fought back hard, but the Macedonians were really brave and strong.
In the end, Alexander's soldiers won the battle and broke through the Persian Gate. They were able to conquer other parts of the Persian Empire after that, and Alexander even married a Persian princess.
So that's the story of the Battle of the Persian Gate, a really important moment in world history when a really strong army was defeated by a really clever strategy.