ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bauhaus World Heritage Site

Okay kiddo, let's talk about the Bauhaus World Heritage Site!

Have you ever heard of the word "Bauhaus" before? It's not a type of house that people live in, it's actually a school of art and design that existed a long time ago in Germany.

The people who went to this school learned how to make really cool things like chairs, lamps, and buildings. But they didn't just make things that looked good, they also made things that were really useful and functional.

The Bauhaus school was so important that it has been recognized by the United Nations as a World Heritage Site. Do you know what that means? It means that people from all over the world think that it's really important to protect and preserve the Bauhaus school and all the things that were made there.

So when you go to visit the Bauhaus World Heritage Site, you'll be able to see all the amazing creations that the people at the school made a long time ago. You might even get inspired to make something yourself!