ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bay platform

So you know how when you go to the grocery store and you park your car in a parking lot? Imagine a big train station with lots of trains instead of cars, and instead of parking spots, there are platforms where the trains stop.

A bay platform is a bit different than a regular platform though. Instead of being in the middle of the train station with trains passing on both sides, a bay platform is like a little dead-end street for a train. It's like if you parked your car in a parking lot but instead of being able to drive straight through to the other side, you had to back out the same way you came in.

Bay platforms are really useful for train stations that have a lot of trains coming and going. It helps keep everything organized and makes it easier for people to find their trains. Plus, it's safer because the trains don't have to cross over any other tracks to get to their platform.

So, think of a bay platform as a little private parking spot just for one train instead of a big open parking lot for lots of cars. It's special because it only has one way in and one way out, just like one road in and out of a cul-de-sac.