ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bayesian game

Imagine you are playing a game where you have to guess which cup a ball is under. But you don't know for sure where the ball is, so you have to use some clues to help you guess.

In a Bayesian game, everyone playing the game also has some information or clues that they can use to help them out. They use these clues to make decisions about how to play the game.

Just like you might be more likely to guess that the ball is under the cup that your friend seems to be looking at, the information that you and others have can change the way you make decisions in the game.

The "Bayesian" part comes from a famous math formula called Bayes' Rule. It helps players update their beliefs about where the ball might be based on new information that they or others share.

So, in a nutshell, a Bayesian game is a game where players use clues and information to make decisions, and update their beliefs as they learn more.