ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Beach ball

A beach ball is a round, inflatable ball that you can play with on the beach or in the pool.

It is made of something called "vinyl," which is a special type of plastic that is very strong and can last a long time.

To blow up a beach ball, you need to use your mouth or a special pump. When you blow air into the ball, it gets bigger and bigger until it's fully inflated.

A beach ball usually has different colors and patterns on it, like stripes or circles. This makes it look really cool and fun to play with.

When you're playing with a beach ball, you can toss it back and forth with your friends. Sometimes you can even bounce it on your head or kick it with your feet like a soccer ball.

Overall, a beach ball is a fun toy to have on a sunny day at the beach or in the pool.
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