ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Beans, Beans, the Musical Fruit

So, there’s something called beans. They’re little things that grow on a plant and come in different colors like green, brown and red. They’re also really good for your body because they have lots of important nutrients like protein and fiber.

But when you eat beans, they can sometimes make funny noises in your tummy and make you toot (fart) a lot. That’s why people say “beans, beans, the musical fruit”.

This happens because beans have something called oligosaccharides, which are special sugars that your body can’t break down properly. So when they go into your tummy, your body has to work extra hard to break them down and sometimes that causes gas to form and make those funny noises.

But don’t worry! Eating beans is still really good for you and actually helps keep your tummy healthy. And if you want to avoid the toots, you can try soaking your beans before cooking them or slowly adding them to your diet so your body gets used to them.