ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Beatosu and Goblu

Beatosu and Goblu are silly nicknames that some people use to talk about a big sports rivalry between two universities in the United States. The schools are called The Ohio State University and the University of Michigan.

Basically, a big rivalry means that these two schools are really competitive with each other and really want to win when they play each other in sports like football.

So people who cheer for Ohio State might say "beatosu" (which is just a shortened way of saying "Beat Ohio State"), because they want Michigan to win against Ohio State. And people who cheer for Michigan might say "goblu" (which stands for "Go Blue," which is Michigan's team color), because they want Michigan to win against Ohio State.

It's all just a way for people to show that they support their favorite school and they really want them to win against their rival!