ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Beaver River sandstone

Beaver River Sandstone is a big rock that was formed a very, very long time ago. It was made from sand and other small pieces of rocks that got all stuck together by something called "cement". Imagine if you took a big bucket of sand and poured glue all over it. That's kind of what happened to make Beaver River Sandstone.

This big rock is found in a place called Wyoming, which is a big state in the United States. People really like it because it is very pretty and has lots of different colors in it, like brown, gray, and red. Scientists study this rock to learn about what the Earth was like a long, long time ago. They can find fossils, which are the remains of animals and plants that lived a long time ago, inside the rock.

Sometimes, people even use Beaver River Sandstone to make things like buildings or statues. That's because it is a very strong and durable rock that can last a very long time.