ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Beer goggles

Beer goggles is a funny term that adults use to describe what can happen when we're drinking alcohol. Normally, when we look at people, we can tell if they are good looking or not. But when we've had a little too much to drink, sometimes our brains get a little fuzzy and we might start thinking that someone is very attractive when they really aren't. It's kind of like wearing goggles that make everything look better after drinking beer.

This doesn't mean that alcohol makes us see things that aren't there. It just means that we might not see things as clearly as we normally would. And this can lead to us making different choices than we would if we were sober. That's why it's important to be careful when drinking alcohol and to always make sure we're making safe and smart decisions. And if we ever feel like we're starting to see things through beer goggles, it might be time to slow down and take a break.