ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Behavior-based safety

Behavior-based safety is a way that grown-ups try to make sure that everyone stays safe while they are working or doing something else that could be dangerous. Imagine that you and your friends are playing with a ball in the park, but there are some really big rocks that could hurt you if you accidentally run into them or trip. Your mom and dad might tell you to be careful and watch where you're going so that you don't get hurt. That's a bit like what behavior-based safety is: grown-ups try to teach other grown-ups at work or in other places to be careful and do things in a way that won't hurt them or anyone else.

This happens in lots of different places, like factories or construction sites, where grown-ups have to do things like lift heavy objects or use machines that could be dangerous if they're not careful. One way that people practice behavior-based safety is by using checklists or other reminders to make sure that they're doing things in the right way. For example, if you're going to ride your bike, your mom or dad might tell you to put on your helmet and make sure your shoes are tied before you start. They might also remind you to look both ways before you cross the street. These are all things that will help keep you safe, just like checklists or reminders help grown-ups at work stay safe.

Another way that people use behavior-based safety is by watching out for each other. That means that they pay attention to what their friends or coworkers are doing and speak up if they notice something that could be dangerous. Imagine that you and your friends are playing with a big ball, and you notice that one of your friends is standing really close to the rocks. You might say "Hey, be careful, you don't want to get hurt!" That's just like what grown-ups do at work-they watch out for each other so that everyone stays safe.

So, behavior-based safety is all about grown-ups helping each other stay safe by being careful, using reminders or checklists, and watching out for each other.