ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bektashism and folk religion

Okay kiddo, so when people believe in something, they usually have a religion. Some religions are more popular than others, and some are specific to certain regions or groups of people.

One specific religion that not many people may have heard about is called Bektashism. Bektashism is a type of religion that came from Turkey and is based on Sufism. Sufism is like a mystical branch of Islam.

But Bektashism is not just about religion; it's also about culture and philosophy. It kind of mixes different ideas together, like ancient Turkish shamanism and a belief in mystical figures called saints.

Another thing to know about Bektashism is that it's often considered a "folk religion." This means it's not really organized like some of the bigger religions, such as Christianity or Islam. Instead, it may be more of a personal thing where people follow their own beliefs and practices.

So overall, Bektashism is a unique religion that combines different ideas from different parts of the world. It's also considered a folk religion, meaning it's less organized and more personal.