ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Belenus is a god that people used to believe in a long, long time ago. He was worshipped by a group of people called the Gauls, who lived in what is now known as France before the Romans came. Belenus was a very important god to the Gauls, and they believed he had the power to make the crops grow and keep them safe from harm.

To help you understand what Belenus is like, think of him like a superhero. He wore a crown made of rays of sunshine and carried a staff that had a big, glowing ball on the end. When he pointed his staff at someone, they would feel warm and safe, just like when the sun shines on your face on a bright day. He was also known for healing people who were sick or injured, like a magical doctor.

The Gauls would have ceremonies and festivals in honor of Belenus, where they would offer him food, drink, and gifts. They would also sing songs and dance to celebrate his powers and ask him to bless their crops and their land.

Today, people don't really believe in Belenus anymore. But his story and the rituals that people used to do in his name are still interesting to learn about and help us understand how people used to view the world and the things they believed in a long time ago.