ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Bellerophon is a character from ancient Greek mythology, and he's known for riding a magical creature called Pegasus. Picture a really big horse with wings like a bird, so it can fly up into the sky. Now, Bellerophon was a brave warrior who wanted to do great things, but he also got a bit too proud of his accomplishments.

One day, he thought he was so great that he wanted to fly up to the top of Mount Olympus, where the gods and goddesses live. But unfortunately, the gods didn't like this and decided to teach him a lesson. They sent a fly to sting Pegasus, which made the creature buck and throw Bellerophon off its back.

Bellerophon fell all the way back down to the ground and was badly injured. He became a lonely wanderer, traveling far and wide until he found his final resting place.

So the lesson here is that it's good to have big dreams and work hard towards them, but we shouldn't get too proud or think we're above everyone else. And also, maybe don't try to ride a winged horse all the way up to the clouds – it's best to stay grounded!