Belter Creole is like a special language that some people in space use when they talk to each other.
Imagine you are playing with your toys in your own room and your friend is playing in their room. If you both want to talk to each other, you can open your windows and speak to each other in your own language, right? But what if you both spoke different languages and you couldn't understand each other?
In the future, people will be living on different planets or living on spaceships or space stations. They will all speak different languages just like you and your friend. So, they made a special language, called "Belter Creole", that is made up of words from different languages so everyone can understand each other.
For example, if someone from Earth wants to say "I am going to the kitchen", they might say "I am going to the kitchen". But if someone from Mars hears that, they may not understand because they don't speak English. So, with Belter Creole, they might say something like "mi go fo kichen". It sounds different than normal English, but it's still easy to understand because it uses simple words that most people know.
Overall, Belter Creole is like a secret code that people in space use to talk to each other and make sure everyone understands what they are saying, even if they come from different planets and speak different languages.