ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bento (database)

Okay, so you know how sometimes, when you want to remember something, you write it down on a piece of paper? Well, imagine if you had a lot of pieces of paper with different things written on them, and you needed a way to keep them all organized and easy to find.

That's kind of what a database is like - it's a place to store information in an organized way, so that it can be easily searched and used later on.

Now, a bento database is a specific type of database that's designed to work really well with web applications. It's kind of like a collection of small boxes (like those cute Japanese bento boxes!) that each hold a different piece of information.

Each of these boxes - or "tables" - is connected to the others in a specific way, so that they all work together to help the web application do what it's supposed to do.

For example, let's say you were building a website where people could buy and sell things. You might have one table that holds all the information about the people who are using the site - their names, email addresses, passwords, and so on.

You might have another table that holds information about all the items for sale on the website - what they are, how much they cost, who's selling them, and so on.

And you might have a third table that keeps track of all the transactions that happen on the site - who bought what, when they bought it, how much they paid, and so on.

Each of these tables would be like one of the little boxes in your bento box, and they'd all work together to help the website function smoothly and efficiently.

So, in summary: a bento database is a way to store information in a structured, organized way that's specifically designed to work well with web applications. It's like a bunch of little boxes that each hold a different piece of information, all working together to help a website do its job.