Okay, so let's pretend there are two cities. One is called Berlin and the other is called Kitchener. Now, a long time ago, the city of Berlin had many people who came from Germany. These people were proud of their German heritage and were happy to live in a place named after their homeland.
But then, something happened. There was a big war, and during the war, the people of Germany did some very bad things. People in other countries got very angry at Germany, and some even started to hate anything that was related to Germany, including the name of the city Berlin.
So, the people who lived in the city of Berlin started to feel like they were being judged and treated badly because of the name of their city. They didn't want people to think they supported the bad things that had happened in Germany, even though they had nothing to do with it.
Because of this, the people of Berlin decided that they wanted to change the name of their city to something that didn't remind people of Germany and the bad things that happened there.
They chose the name Kitchener as a way to honor a man named Lord Kitchener who had helped Canada during a different war. They thought that by changing the name to Kitchener, people would forget about the old name Berlin and any negative associations with Germany.
So, the name of the city was officially changed from Berlin to Kitchener. This made the people of the city feel better because they didn't have to worry about being judged or treated badly just because of the name of their city. They could still be proud of their German heritage, but now they didn't have to worry about the negative feelings that came with the old name.