ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Berliner Gramophone

The Berliner Gramophone is a device that plays music from a long time ago. It looks like a big box with a horn on top.

Inside, there are little grooves that music is recorded on, called records. The records are round and have a special pattern on them, like little bumps and lines.

When you put a record on the gramophone and turn a crank, a needle goes into the grooves and follows the pattern on the record. This makes the needle move, and it sends vibrations through the horn on top of the gramophone.

These vibrations create sound waves that travel through the air and reach our ears, so we can hear the music playing!

The Berliner Gramophone was invented by a man named Emile Berliner a long time ago, and it was a very popular way to listen to music before we had things like radios and iPods. It's like a magic music box that brings old songs to life!