ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Berner Haselnusslebkuchen

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of gingerbread cookies? Well, Berner Haselnusslebkuchen is like that, but with a different flavor. Instead of the spicy ginger taste, it's made with hazelnuts, which makes it taste kind of nutty and sweet.

To make it, first people mix together flour, sugar, and eggs to make a batter. Then they add ground hazelnuts and other ingredients like cinnamon and cloves to give it a yummy taste. After it's all mixed together, they spread the batter onto a tray and bake it in the oven until it's crispy and golden brown.

Once it's done, the Berner Haselnusslebkuchen can be eaten as is, or with some icing on top to make it sweeter. Some people like to decorate it with candies or frosting in different shapes, like stars or hearts.

So, basically Berner Haselnusslebkuchen is a type of cookie that is crispy, sweet, and made with hazelnuts. Yum!