ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Betsy Levy Paluck

Betsy Levy Paluck is a person who studies how people act and treat each other, especially in groups. She is interested in understanding how we can make the world a better place by changing the way we interact with other people.

Think about when you are in a big group of friends or classmates. Have you ever noticed that some people are treated differently than others? Maybe some people are ignored or made fun of, while others are popular and get lots of attention. This is what Betsy Levy Paluck studies.

She wants to figure out why this happens and how we can make it better. One thing she has found is that if a few influential people in a group start being nice to someone who is usually ignored, it can change the whole group's behavior. This means that if you are kind and friendly to someone who is having a hard time, it can make a big difference and help everyone else be nicer too.

Betsy Levy Paluck also studies how we can change people's opinions about important issues, like discrimination or climate change. She has found that just telling people what to think doesn't work very well. Instead, she tries to understand why people hold certain beliefs and looks for ways to change their minds based on that. She thinks that by understanding how people interact with each other, we can create more positive and inclusive communities where everyone feels valued and respected.