ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Bhartṛhari was a wise man who lived a very long time ago. He was from India, which is a big country far away from here.

Bhartṛhari was very interested in language and words. He spent his time thinking about the way we use words and how they can affect the way we think and feel.

He wrote a lot of poems and essays about language and philosophy. Even though he lived a very long time ago, people still talk about his ideas today.

In his writings, Bhartṛhari talked about how important it is to use language carefully. He believed that the words we use can have a big impact on the people around us.

He also talked about how we can use language to think and express our ideas. He said that language helps us understand the world around us and communicate with others.

Overall, Bhartṛhari was a very smart person who taught us a lot about language and how we can use it to be better people.