ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Biak Massacre

The Biak massacre was a very sad and scary event that happened a long time ago in a place called Biak Island.

There were some people living on the island who wanted to have their own country and be in charge of themselves. They were called the West Papuans. But there were also some other people who were already in charge of the island and they didn't want the West Papuans to be in charge.

So, the people who were already in charge, they didn't like what the West Papuans were doing. They didn't like that they were saying they wanted to be in charge of themselves. So, they did something very, very bad. They hurt and killed so many West Papuans who were peacefully protesting.

Lots and lots of people were killed or went missing and their families didn't even know where they were or what happened to them. It was a very horrible thing to happen and it made a lot of people very sad and angry.

It's important that we remember what happened, so we can try to make sure that things like this never happen again.