ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bible moralisée

A bible moralisée is like a really special book that people made a long time ago. It's a book about the Bible, which is a really important book for many people. But what makes the bible moralisée special is that it has pictures!

But not just any pictures, it has pictures that are meant to teach lessons about how to be a good person. The people who made the book would take a story from the Bible and then make a picture to go along with it. And in the picture, there would be things that helped teach the lesson. So, for example, if the story was about being kind to others, the picture might show someone sharing their food with someone who is hungry.

The book was really popular a long time ago because many people were not able to read or write, but they could still understand the pictures. It was like they were learning the lessons from the Bible without even having to read it!

Today, the bible moralisée is still important because it's a really beautiful example of how people used to learn about the Bible. And even though we can read and write now, the pictures can still teach us important lessons about being good people.