ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bible study (Christianity)

Bible study is when people who believe in Jesus and the teachings of the Bible get together to read and learn from the Bible. The Bible is a big book with lots of stories and lessons that people have been reading and studying for thousands of years.

During Bible study, people usually sit in a group and take turns reading a section of the Bible out loud. Then, they talk about what they think the story means and how they can apply it to their own lives. Sometimes they might even do activities like coloring or drawing to help them understand the lesson better.

The Bible has two main parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament talks about things that happened before Jesus was born, and the New Testament talks about Jesus' life and teachings. Bible study groups might choose to focus on one specific book or theme within the Bible, or they might go through the entire thing from beginning to end.

People go to Bible study because they want to learn more about God and how to live a good life according to His teachings. It's a way to connect with other believers and to deepen your own faith.