ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Biblical and Quranic narratives

Okay kiddo, let's learn about the biblical and quranic narratives.

The Bible and the Quran are holy books that people believe were sent by God. They have stories in them that teach people about God and how to live a good life.

A narrative is a story that tells you what happened. In the Bible and Quran, there are many narratives that talk about different events that happened a long time ago.

For example, in the Bible, there is a story about a man named Noah. God saw that people were being bad and not listening to him, so he decided to send a big flood to destroy everything on Earth. But God chose Noah and his family to build a big boat called the Ark, and put two of every animal on it to save them from the flood.

In the Quran, there is a similar story about a man named Nuh (Noah in Arabic). God sent him to warn his people to stop worshipping false gods and follow God's commands. But the people did not listen to him, so God sent a flood to destroy everything except for the believers who were with Nuh on a big boat.

So, both the Bible and Quran have narratives that teach people about God and his power. These stories help people understand important lessons about being kind, obedient, and having faith in God.