ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bibliography of 18th–19th century Royal Naval history

Okay, so imagine you are a pirate (but a nice one) and you want to learn about the things that happened with the big ships that were part of the Royal Navy, which is like the big boss of all the ships in the ocean. Well, one way to do that is by looking at a bibliography, which is like a big list of all the books and papers that talk about that time in history.

But this bibliography is only about a very specific time in history, let's say from when your great-great grandparents were alive until your great-grandparents were alive. That's called the 18th and 19th centuries.

Now, this bibliography is super detailed, which means it has a lot of information. It will tell you the name of the book or paper, the person who wrote it, when they wrote it, and where you can find it. It's kind of like a treasure map that shows you where the treasure is (in this case, the treasure is information about Royal Navy history).

So, if you want to learn a lot about what happened in the past with the big ships and the people who sailed them, you can use this bibliography to find all the books and papers you need. It's like having a big bookshelf with all the books you need to read in order to learn about a really cool topic!