ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bibliography of George Washington

Hey there, kiddo! So, do you know what a bibliography is? It's like a list of all the books and articles that someone wrote or that were written about them.

Now, George Washington was a very important man in American history. He was the very first president of the United States! So, many people have written books and articles about him, and he also wrote many letters and documents himself.

A bibliography of George Washington is just a big list of all the books, articles, letters, and other written things that he was involved with. It's like a really cool history book that tells you all about him and everything he did.

Some of the things that might be included in a bibliography of George Washington are books he wrote, like his famous book on farming called "The Method of Agriculture." There might also be written accounts of his life and presidency, like the book "Washington: A Life" by Ron Chernow.

Overall, a bibliography of George Washington is just a big list of all the important written things about him, and it can help us learn even more about this amazing historical figure!