ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bibliography of encyclopedias

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a big bookcase full of lots of books. Now imagine you want to write a report or a big paper about a certain topic, like dinosaurs or space or your favorite animal. But how do you find all the information you need? Well, one way is to look in different encyclopedias. What's an encyclopedia, you ask? It's a big book that has information about lots of different things.

Now, the tricky part is that there are a lot of encyclopedias out there! So, if you want to make sure you're using good information, you need to know where you got it from. That's where the bibliography comes in. A bibliography is a list at the end of your paper that tells everyone where you found all the information you used.

So, for an encyclopedia, the bibliography might look like this:

Smith, J. (2010). The Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs. London: Penguin Books.

Jones, T. (2015). The Encyclopedia of Space. New York: Random House.

Williams, K. (2012). The Encyclopedia of Animals. Chicago: National Geographic Society.

See, the bibliography tells you the author, the year the book was made, the name of the encyclopedia, and who published it. This helps other people who read your paper know where to go if they want to learn more about what you wrote.