ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bill & Laurel Cooper

Bill and Laurel Cooper were two people who were married and loved each other very much. They lived in a special place called Loma Linda, which was known for having very healthy and happy people. Bill and Laurel were also very interested in helping other people stay healthy too.

They learned a lot about how to stay healthy by eating good food, getting exercise, and taking care of their bodies. They also knew that it was important to take care of their minds and spirits too. They believed that being connected to nature and to other people was really important for staying healthy and happy.

Bill and Laurel started teaching other people in their community about how to stay healthy and happy too. They wrote books and gave talks to share what they knew. They even started a school where kids could learn about being healthy and happy too!

Thanks to Bill and Laurel, many people in Loma Linda and beyond learned how to take better care of themselves and live happier lives.