ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bill (law)

Okay kiddo, imagine your mom says you can't have any cookies until you clean your room. That's kind of like how a bill works, but on a much bigger scale.

A bill is a big idea for a new rule or law that someone in the government comes up with. It's like a grown-up saying, "I think we should make a rule that says you have to wear a helmet when you ride a bike."

But just like you can't have cookies until you clean your room, a bill can't become a law until many important people in the government agree with it. They talk about the bill and make changes to it until everyone thinks it's a good idea.

Then, the bill goes to a big meeting with lots of important government people called Congress. Congress votes on whether they think the bill should be a law or not. If most of the people in Congress say yes, then the bill becomes a law!

Now, everyone has to follow the new rule or law that the bill made. Just like how you have to clean your room before you can have cookies. And that's how a bill becomes a law.