ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Biochemical assays

Okay kiddo, have you ever played a game where you have to find a hidden object? You have to use your eyes and ears to find it, right?

Well, biochemical assays are kinda like that! Scientists use biochemical assays to find hidden things in our body, like proteins, enzymes, or toxins.

They do this by using little tests in a lab that can see and measure tiny amounts of these things. Think of it like a microscope - but instead of seeing things that are very small, we can see things that are very tiny and hidden.

One way scientists might do this is by putting a small amount of a sample - like a drop of your blood - into a special container with other chemicals. They mix it all up carefully and watch to see if any chemical reactions happen.

If they do, scientists will measure how much of the substance they're looking for is in the sample. They might use special machines that can measure things very accurately, or they might be able to see changes with their own eyes under a microscope.

Overall, biochemical assays are like little detectives that help scientists solve big health problems. It's kinda like a game, but instead of finding hidden items, scientists are finding hidden things in our body that can help us stay healthy!