ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Biofeedback is like a magic mirror that can show you how your body is feeling inside. It's a way of using special machines to measure some things happening inside you, like your heartbeat or how tense your muscles are. Then, the machines show you what's happening on a screen, so you can see it for yourself!

It's like playing a video game, but instead of controlling a character on a screen, you're learning how to control your own body. For example, if you see that your muscles are very tense, you can practice relaxing them to make the screen show that they are less tense.

Biofeedback helps you understand how your actions affect your body's feelings and how to change them. Like if you're feeling anxious, you can use biofeedback to learn to calm down by practicing slow breathing and slowing your heartbeat.

In summary, biofeedback is a way to learn about your body and how to control it, like a secret superpower!
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