ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Biological hydrogen production (Algae)

Have you ever seen a plant and wondered how it grows? Well, some plants called algae make something called hydrogen gas which can be used for lots of things like powering cars and machines instead of using gas that comes from oil.

Algae are like tiny plants that grow in water and make green stuff called chlorophyll, which helps them turn sunlight into food through a process called photosynthesis. They also have something called enzymes that help them make hydrogen gas when there is no oxygen around.

So, scientists have found a way to use these tiny plants to help us make hydrogen gas to use as fuel. They grow the algae in special containers called bioreactors, where they give them just the right amount of sunlight, water, and nutrients.

As the algae grow, they produce hydrogen gas which is collected and stored for later use. This process of producing hydrogen gas from algae is called biological hydrogen production.

So, using algae to make hydrogen gas is a way for us to have a cleaner and greener source of fuel. It's like having your very own little garden that makes fuel for you!