ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Biological response modifier

Okay kiddo, so a biological response modifier (BRM) is kind of like a superhero for your body. You know how superheroes can help protect cities from bad guys and keep people safe? Well, BRMs do something similar for your body.

BRMs are molecules that can help your body fight off germs and other bad things that can make you sick. They work by changing the way your immune system works. Your immune system is like an army in your body that helps fight off sickness. BRMs can help make your army stronger and better at fighting off the bad guys.

There are different types of BRMs, and they can do different things. Some BRMs can help your immune system recognize and attack cancer cells. Others can help your body make more white blood cells to fight off infections. Some can even help prevent your immune system from attacking your own body, which can happen in some illnesses.

Overall, biological response modifiers are like special helpers for your body's immune system. They can help your body stay healthy and strong so you can keep playing and having fun!