ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Biology and sexual orientation

Biology is the science of living things like plants, animals, birds, and humans. Sexual orientation is a term that talks about whom someone likes and loves, whether they like girls, boys, or both.

The human body has different parts that help it work. One such part is the brain. The brain is a big organ inside your head that helps you think and control your body. The brain has some areas that are responsible for different things, like eating, talking, and feeling emotions like happiness.

When it comes to sexual attraction, our brains play a significant role. People who are attracted to men have different areas of their brain that respond to the sight and smell of men than those who are attracted to females. The brain also controls the hormones and neurotransmitters which are chemicals in our body that help us feel different feelings.

Some researchers believe that sexual orientation is mostly influenced by biology, meaning, some people are born with a natural attraction towards the same gender or both genders. Some people believe that our genes, DNA, or hormones can affect a person's sexual orientation. Others believe that the environment in which we grow up or our upbringing also plays a role.

In conclusion, sexual orientation is a part of biology that refers to whom a person is attracted to. It's a complicated topic that scientists are continually researching to understand better. However, it's essential to remember that no matter whom a person loves or likes, they are just as valid as everyone else.