ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bird hide

A bird hide is a special kind of hut or shelter that is used for watching and studying birds without being seen or scaring them away.

Think of it like a treehouse but without the tree - the hide is a small building usually made out of wood, which can be located near a bird's natural habitat such as near a lake, river, or forest.

Birdwatchers or researchers who use a bird hide can quietly and safely observe birds without disturbing their natural behavior. Hides usually have small windows or openings that can be easily opened or closed to help with this. Sometimes bird hides even have special hides that cover the observer up from head to toe, so that they blend in with the surrounding environment and are not easily seen by the birds!

So, if you want to study birds up close and personal, a bird hide is a perfect place to go. You can learn all about birds and their behavior while being hidden away in your cozy hide. But remember, while using a bird hide it's important to be quiet, use soft voices and make sure you don't touch anything so as not to disturb the birds!