ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bisects and splits (philately)

Okay kiddo, so when you want to cut a piece of paper in half, what do you do? You fold it right in the middle and then you use scissors to cut it right where the fold is, right? Well, in philately (which is a big word that means stamp collecting), we have something called bisects and splits that are sort of like dividing a stamp in half.

A bisect is when you take a stamp and cut it right down the middle, but not in a straight line. Instead, you cut it diagonally so that you end up with two triangles. Bisects are kinda rare and they were usually used when people needed to send mail but didn't have enough postage stamps to cover the cost.

Now, splits are similar to bisects, but instead of cutting the stamp into two pieces, you just cut off a corner. So, imagine you have a square stamp and you use scissors to snip off one of the corners. That's a split.

Bisects and splits are really cool because they're sort of like puzzles. They're not easy to find and they can be worth a lot of money to stamp collectors. But, if you have any stamps at home, don't go cutting them up just to make bisects and splits. You should always be careful with stamps and treat them with respect because they're little pieces of history that people collect and cherish.