A bishop in the Catholic Church is like a really important person who helps take care of a big group of churches in a certain area called a diocese. They're kind of like the boss of all the priests in that area, but they're also supposed to be a helper and friend to everyone in their diocese.
The Catholic Church believes that bishops are very special because they can trace their authority all the way back to Jesus' apostles - the guys who were really good friends with Jesus a long time ago. So, even though they're just regular people like you and me, they have a really important job to do.
When a person becomes a bishop, they get a special ceremony where other bishops lay their hands on them and ask God to give them special help to do their job well. This is called "ordination."
Bishops are responsible for making sure that everyone in their diocese is taking care of each other and doing the right things according to Catholic teachings. They also help make rules and policies for their diocese and make sure that everyone is following them. They're kind of like a captain of a really big ship - they help steer the ship in the right direction and make sure everyone is safe and happy.
In summary, bishops are important leaders of Catholic churches in a certain area called a diocese. They are responsible for helping everyone in the diocese and making sure that Catholic teachings are followed properly. They receive a special ceremony called ordination to help them do their job well.