Hi there! Have you ever played a game of hide and seek with one of your friends? In that game, one person has to find the other person who is hiding. In the same way, scientists use something called bistatic imaging to find things that cannot be seen by just one person or machine.
Bistatic imaging is when scientists use two machines to take pictures of something. One machine sends out a signal, like a flashlight, and the other machine captures the signal bouncing back. It's like when you shine a flashlight in a dark room and the light bounces off something and comes back to you.
Using bistatic imaging helps scientists see things that they can't using just one machine or camera. If you try to take a picture in a dark room with just one camera, you might not be able to see everything because it's too dark. But, if you shine a flashlight to get better light and take a picture at the same time, you will be able to see everything more clearly.
So, bistatic imaging is like playing hide and seek with two people. It helps scientists find things that are hidden and not easy to see. And just like in hide and seek, it's always better to work together to find something than to try and do it alone.