ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Blair–Brown deal

Okay, imagine you have two best friends, Blair and Brown. They both want to be the leader of your playgroup, but they are having a hard time deciding who should be in charge. They both like each other and don't want to hurt each other's feelings, but they also really want to be in charge.

So, Blair and Brown decide to make a deal. They agree that for a certain amount of time, Blair will be in charge and then after that time is up, Brown will get his turn to be in charge. This way, they both get to be the leader eventually and they don't hurt each other's feelings.

This is kind of what happened with the Blair-Brown deal. Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were both leaders of the Labour party in the UK. They both wanted to be the Prime Minister, but they didn't want to hurt each other's feelings or damage the party. So they made a deal where Blair would be the leader for a certain amount of time, and then after that, Brown would take over.

This deal helped keep the party united and allowed both Blair and Brown to take turns leading the UK government without causing too much conflict.