ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Blast beat

Okay kiddo, so a blast beat is a special way to play drums that makes a really fast, intense sound. It's kind of like when you're playing with your toy cars and you make them go really really fast by moving your hand really quickly.

When a drummer does a blast beat, they use their arms and legs to hit the drums really really fast. It sounds like a rapid-fire series of beats that repeat over and over. It's like a machine gun sound!

The blast beat is often used in heavy metal and punk music. It gives the music a lot of energy and makes you want to move your body and headbang like crazy!

So next time you hear a song with a blast beat, listen carefully to the drums and see if you can hear that super-fast, intense sound. Who knows, maybe you'll even want to try playing some drums yourself one day!
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